<head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jsyn.js"></script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="jsyn.css"></link> </head>Then put the code you want highlighted in a PRE tag with the code class assigned to it:
<pre class="code">/* hello world test function */ var hw = function (delimiter) { return 'Hello' + delimiter + ['W','o','r','l','d'].join(''); }</pre>Then the output of above after jsyn runs:
/* hello world test function */ var hw = function (delimiter) { return 'Hello' + delimiter + ['W','o','r','l','d'].join(''); }
/* jsyn - ultralight syntax highlighter; Jim Palmer -; released under MIT License */ var jsyn = function () { this.nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('pre'); /* language definitions */ var types = {common:{ k:'break,case,catch,class,continue,delete,do,else,for,function,if,in,instanceof,new,private,protected,public,return,switch,throw,throw,try,typeof,var,watch,while', d:'array,bool,boolean,date,datetime,decimal,false,float,hashtable,int,int32,nan,null,string,true', c:/(?:\/\*(.|[\n\r])*?\*\/)|(?:\/\/[^\n\r]+[\n\r])|(?:<![-]{2,3}([\s\S](?!>))+[-]{2,3}>)/ },sql:{ k:'alter,begin,by,commit,create,delete,drop,exec,from,group,having,insert,join,like,on,order,rollback,select,set,table,transaction,trigger,truncate,union,update,values,where', d:'and,asc,between,desc,distinct,exists,inner,left,or,outer,right,top', c:/(?:\/\*(.|[\n\r])*?\*\/)|(?:--[^\n\r]+[\n\r])/ },python:{ k:'and,as,assert,break,class,continue,def,del,elif,else,except,exec,finally,for,from,global,if,import,in,is,lambda,not,or,pass,print,raise,return,try,while,with,yield', d:'int,str,types', c:/(?:#[^\n\r]+[\n\r])/ }},dtab = 8; for (var node in this.nodes) { var n = this.nodes[node],cnc = 0,cnl = ( n.childNodes != null ? n.childNodes.length : 0 ),is = n.nodeValue || ''; // limit to 'pre.code' selector and non-jsyn()'d blocks if ((n.className || '' ).indexOf('code') < 0 || (n.className || '' ).indexOf('jsyn') >= 0) continue; for (;cnc < cnl; cnc++) is += n.childNodes.item(cnc).nodeValue; // capture all the content in the 'pre.code' var ext = new Date(),os = [],rec = 0,re = [],pi = 0,a = true,sl = is.length,c = 0,ct = types.common, tabs = parseInt((n.className.match(/tab([0-9]+)/) || [])[1]) || dtab; // find first language definition in className - otherwise default to 'common' for (var ty in types) if (n.className.indexOf(ty) >= 0) { ct = types[ty]; break; } // console.log(ty); // build the language specific tokenizers var r = [{c:'c',r:ct.c}, // comments {c:'s',r:/(?:\/\S+\/)|(?:'(?:\\'|[^'])*')|(?:"(?:\\"|[^"])*")/}, // regexp,strings {c:'n',r:/(?:\d+\.?\d*[%f]?)/}, // numbers {c:'k',r:(new RegExp('(?:'+ ct.k.split(',').join('\\s)|(?:') +')'))}, // keywords {c:'d',r:(new RegExp('(?:'+ ct.d.split(',').join('\\s)|(?:') +')'))}, // datatypes {c:'f',r:/(?:[\\\[\]\(\)\{\}:\#\@\+\-\=\*\%\&\|\.]+)|(?:==|>=|<=|!=|<<|>>)/}, // flow operators {c:'w',r:/(?:[A-Za-z_-]\w*)/}, // word (variables) {c:'t',r:(new RegExp(( tabs == dtab ? '' : '(?:\t)' )))} // reformatted tabs ],rel = r.length; // build the tokenizing regexp for (;rec < rel;rec++) re.push( ( ( rec && r[rec].r.source ) ? '|' : '' ) + r[rec].r.source ); for (var t = new RegExp(re.join(''),'gmi'); c < sl && (a = t.exec(is)); c++) // iterate rexexp.exec tokens for (rec = 0; rec < rel; rec++) // loop through each regexp type to match on token if (r[rec].r.source && r[rec].r.test(a[0])) { // modify token if matched on any regexp // tab manipulation if not default if (tabs != dtab && r[rec].c == 't') var mp = t.lastIndex - a[0].length - 1, rn = Math.max(is.lastIndexOf('\r', mp), is.lastIndexOf('\n', mp)) to = tabs - ( ( mp - Math.max(is.lastIndexOf('\t', mp), rn) ) % tabs ); // innerHTML method - wrap found token in appropriately matched regexp type os.push( is.substring(pi,(t.lastIndex - a[0].length)).replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>') + '<b class="'+ r[rec].c + ( r[rec].c == 't' && parseInt(to) != tabs ? to : '') +'">'+ a[0].replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>') +'</b>' ); pi = t.lastIndex; break; } // update the newly build innerhtml (pre needed to render in IE6 properly) n.innerHTML = (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? '<pre>' : '') + os.join('') + is.substring(pi,sl) + ((new Date()).getTime() - ext.getTime()) +'ms'+ (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? '</pre>' : ''); n.className += ( n.className ? ' ' : '' ) + 'jsyn'; } return true; }; document.attachEvent && document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", /* IE DOM ready*/ function(e){ document.readyState === "complete" && jsyn() && document.detachEvent(e.type, arguments.callee); }) || document.addEventListener && document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", /* !IE DOM ready */ function(e){ jsyn() && document.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee, false); }, false);