/* ** jhistory 0.6 - jQuery plugin allowing simple non-intrusive browser history ** author: Jim Palmer; released under MIT license ** collage of ideas from Taku Sano, Mikage Sawatari, david bloom and Klaus Hartl ** CONFIG -- place in your document.ready function two possible config settings: ** $.history._cache = 'cache.html'; // REQUIRED - location to your cache response handler (static flat files prefered) ** $.history.stack = {<old object>}; // OPTIONAL - prefill this with previously saved history stack (i.e. saved with session) */ (function($) { // initialize jhistory - the iframe controller and setinterval'd listener (pseudo observer) $(function () { // create the hidden iframe if not on the root window.document.body on-demand $("body").append('<iframe class="__historyFrame" src="' + $.history._cache + '" style="border:0px; width:0px; height:0px; visibility:hidden;" />'); // setup interval function to check for changes in "history" via iframe hash and call appropriate callback function to handle it $.history.intervalId = $.history.intervalId || window.setInterval(function () { // fetch current cursor from the iframe document.URL or document.location depending on browser support var cursor = $(".__historyFrame").contents().attr( $.browser.msie ? 'URL' : 'location' ).toString().split('#')[1]; // display debugging information if block id exists $('#__historyDebug').html('"' + $.history.cursor + '" vs "' + cursor + '" - ' + (new Date()).toString()); // if cursors are different (forw/back hit) then reinstate data only when iframe is done loading if ( parseFloat($.history.cursor) >= 0 && parseFloat($.history.cursor) != ( parseFloat(cursor) || 0 ) ) { // set the history cursor to the current cursor $.history.cursor = parseFloat(cursor) || 0; // reinstate the current cursor data through the callback if ( typeof($.history.callback) == 'function' ) { // prevent the callback from re-inserting same history element $.history._locked = true; $.history.callback( $.history.stack[ cursor ], cursor ); $.history._locked = false; } } }, 150); }); // core history plugin functionality - handles singleton instantiation and history observer interval $.history = function ( store ) { // init the stack if not supplied if (!$.history.stack) $.history.stack = {}; // avoid new history entries when in the middle of a callback handler if ($.history._locked) return false; // set the current unix timestamp for our history $.history.cursor = (new Date()).getTime().toString(); // insert copy into the stack with current cursor $.history.stack[ $.history.cursor ] = $.extend( true, {}, store ); // force the new hash we're about to write into the IE6/7 history stack if ( $.browser.msie ) $('.__historyFrame')[0]; // write the fragment id to the hash history - webkit required full href reset - ie/ff work with simple hash manipulation if ( $.browser.safari ) $('.__historyFrame').contents()[0].location.href = $('.__historyFrame').contents()[0].location.href.split('?')[0] + '?' + $.history.cursor + '#' + $.history.cursor; else $('.__historyFrame').contents()[0].location.hash = '#' + $.history.cursor; } })(jQuery);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="jquery.history.js"></script> <script> // set our global counter var counter = 0; // function to raise the counter and then store the change in the history function raiseCounter() { counter++; // store the counter inside an object such as {counter:0} along with extra to test speed $.history( {'counter':counter, 'counter1':counter, 'counter2':counter, 'counter3':counter, 'counter4':counter} ); $('#counter').html('{\'counter\':' + counter.toString() + '}'); } // function to handle the data coming back from the history upon forw/back hit $.history.callback = function ( reinstate, cursor ) { // check to see if were back to the beginning without any stored data if (typeof(reinstate) == 'undefined') counter = 0; else counter = parseInt(reinstate.counter) || 0; $('#counter').html('{\'counter\':' + counter.toString() + '}'); }; // initialize the display of the counter value on window.onLoad $('document').ready(function () { $('#counter').html('{\'counter\':' + counter.toString() + '}'); }); </script> </head> <body> <table width="100%"> <tr> <tr> <td align=left valign=middle style="padding:10px; background:#EEE;"> <input type=button value="raiseCounter()" onclick="raiseCounter()"> </td> <td align=left id="counter" valign=middle style="font-family:tahoma; font-size:14pt; padding:10px; background:#EEE;"></td> <td align=left id="__historyDebug" valign=middle width="100%" style="font-family:tahoma; font-size:9pt; padding:10px; background:#EEE;"></td> <tr> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="jquery.history.js"></script>Step 2 Setup a callback function to handle when the user clicks the forward/back buttons and determine what to do with the old data, aka "reinstate"
$.history.callback = function ( reinstate, cursor ) { // reinstate is the actual object to reinstate // cursor is the actual object (new Date()).getTime() timestamp of the history event }Step 3 Store items in the history which is controlled by you
<?php header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); //header("Status: 304 Not Modified"); // header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 1200) . " GMT"); ?>
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" ValidateRequest="false" %> <script runat="server"> protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Expires = 1200; } </script> <html />
<FilesMatch "^blank\.html$"> ForceType text/html ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 20 minutes" </FilesMatch>
<cfheader name="Expires" value="#GetHttpTimeString( DateAdd( "n", 45, Now() ) )#">