<cfoutput> #TimeFormat(NOW(), "long")#<BR> Test text <!--CACHE-MESSAGE--> </cfoutput>
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes"> <!--- the actual original requested file - native/absolute path ---> <cfset _original_file = GetDirectoryFromPath(ExpandPath("*.*")) & "index.cfm"> <!--- setup the MD5 HASHed url string with session and client vars in WDDX packets -- first, remove the CFNoCache URL argument ---> <cfset qString = REReplace(CGI.QUERY_STRING,"\&CFNoCache=TRUE","","ALL")> <cfset qString = REReplace(qString,"CFNoCache=TRUE","","ALL")> <cfif Len(qString) gt 0> <cfset qString = "?" & qString> </cfif> <!--- append SESSION vars in url encoded wddx packet ---> <cfif IsDefined('SESSION') and not StructIsEmpty(SESSION)> <!--- remove default SESSION variables ---> <cfset pruneSession = StructCopy(SESSION)> <cfset StructDelete(pruneSession, "cfid")> <cfset StructDelete(pruneSession, "cftoken")> <cfset StructDelete(pruneSession, "sessionid")> <cfset StructDelete(pruneSession, "urltoken")> <!--- serialize into simple wddx string ---> <cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input=#pruneSession# output="urlSession"> <cfif Len(qString) gt 0> <cfset qString = qString & "&__urlSESSION=" & URLEncodedFormat(urlSession)> <cfelse> <cfset qString = "?__urlSESSION=" & URLEncodedFormat(urlSession)> </cfif> </cfif> <!--- append CLIENT vars in url encoded wddx packet ---> <cfif IsDefined('CLIENT') and not StructIsEmpty(CLIENT)> <!--- remove default CLIENT variables ---> <cfset pruneClient = StructCopy(CLIENT)> <cfset StructDelete(pruneClient, "cfid")> <cfset StructDelete(pruneClient, "cftoken")> <cfset StructDelete(pruneClient, "hitcount")> <cfset StructDelete(pruneClient, "lastvisit")> <cfset StructDelete(pruneClient, "timecreated")> <cfset StructDelete(pruneClient, "urltoken")> <!--- serialize into simple wddx string ---> <cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input=#pruneClient# output="urlClient"> <cfif Len(qString) gt 0> <cfset qString = qString & "&__urlCLIENT=" & URLEncodedFormat(urlClient)> <cfelse> <cfset qString = "?__urlCLIENT=" & URLEncodedFormat(urlClient)> </cfif> </cfif> <!--- 80||443 detection for url string ---> <cfif CGI.server_port is "443"> <cfset uriHash = Hash("https://" & HTTP_HOST & CGI.SCRIPT_NAME & qString)> <cfelse> <cfset uriHash = Hash("http://" & HTTP_HOST & CGI.SCRIPT_NAME & qString)> </cfif> <cfset _cache_file = _original_file & ".cache_#uriHash#.cfm"> <!--- path for storing cached files - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PERMISSIONS SET CORRECTLY ---> <cfset _cache_dir = GetDirectoryFromPath(ExpandPath("*.*"))> <!--- the threshhold for cache-refreshing - in terms of seconds ---> <cfset _cache_threshhold = 10> <cftry> <!--- check to see if the cached template exists ---> <cfif FileExists(_cache_file)> <!--- if so validate the timestamp on the cache refresh interval ---> <cfdirectory action="list" directory="#_cache_dir#" name="cacheAge" filter="#GetFileFromPath(_cache_file)#"> <cfif IsDefined('cacheAge.DATELASTMODIFIED') and Len(cacheAge.DATELASTMODIFIED) gt 0 and IsDate(cacheAge.DATELASTMODIFIED) and DateDiff("s", cacheAge.DATELASTMODIFIED, NOW()) gt _cache_threshhold> <cfthrow message="cached file is stale, recache it"> <cfelse> <!--- send the fresh cached file to the user ---> <cfoutput><cfinclude template="#GetFileFromPath(_cache_file)#">#Chr(10)#<!--CACHED--></cfoutput> <!--- now parse out the dynamic content in the templated cached file ---> <cfset pageContent = getPageContext().getOut().getString()> <cfset getPageContext().getOut().clearBuffer()> <cfset pageContent = REReplace(pageContent, "<!--CACHE-MESSAGE-->", "<!--CACHE-MESSAGE:#NOW()#-->", "all" )> <cfset writeOutput(pageContent)> <cfset getPageContext().getOut().flush()> </cfif> <cfelse> <cfthrow> </cfif> <cfcatch> <!--- if not, fetch the pure HTML for the specific template piped through the onRequest ---> <cfsavecontent variable="cacheText"><cfinclude template="#GetFileFromPath(_original_file)#"></cfsavecontent> <!--- use an exclusive lock on the file - no throw becuse we're already in a catch ---> <cflock name="#_cache_file#" timeout=50 throwOnTimeout="no" type="Exclusive"> <!--- write the file - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PERMISSIONS SET CORRECTLY ---> <cffile action="write" file="#_cache_file#" output="#cacheText#"> </cflock> <!--- now, output the uncached version to the user ---> <cfoutput>#cacheText#</cfoutput> <cfoutput>#Chr(10)#<!--NOTCACHED--></cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="No">This works with J2EE sessions enabled or disabled. With session or client variables turned on or off.